GetWord API Reference


GetWord v4 API Reference


The SetLicenseID sets the LicenseID.

VOID SetLicenseID(
  LPCTSTR szLicenseID   // LicenseID


[in] The LicenseID string.

Return Values



The LicenseID string is something like {068AB1E7-CDEF-46f2-8357-105793BC7C92}. SetLicenseID must be called properly in your program.


The SetNotifyWnd sets which window will receive the capture-ready message from GetWord.

VOID SetNotifyWnd(
  LONG hWndNotify    // the window handle which will receive the capture-ready message from GetWord


[in] the window handle which will receive the capture-ready message from GetWord.

Return Values



SetNofifyWnd must be called properly in your program.


The UnSetNotifyWnd removes the window handle which receive the capture-ready message from GetWord.

VOID UnSetNotifyWnd(
  LONG hWndNotify    // the window handle to remove


[in] the window handle to remove from GetWord' notification list.

Return Values



UnSetNofifyWnd must be called properly in your program. And it should be called when your program is exiting.


The SetDelay sets how many milliseconds should be waited before starting the capturing when user moved the mouse cursor. The default is 400 milliseconds.

VOID SetDelay(
  LONG uMilliSec    // the milliseconds to wait before starting the capturing


[in] the milliseconds to wait before starting the capturing when user moved the mouse cursor.

Return Values



SetDelay is not necessary to be called in your program unless you want to change the default delay time.


The EnableCursorCapture enables/disables text-capturing with mouse cursor. Text-capturing with mouse cursor is set to disable by default.

BOOL EnableCursorCapture(
  BOOL bEnable    // enable or disable text-capturing with mouse cursor


[in] Specifies whether to enable or disable text-capturing with mouse cursor. If this parameter is TRUE, the text-capturing with mouse cursor is enabled. If the parameter is FALSE, text-capturing with mouse cursor is disabled.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


Text-capturing with mouse cursor is set to disable by default. If you want to enable text-capturing with mouse cursor, you need to call this function, and pass in the bEnable parameter with TRUE.


The EnableHotkeyCapture enables/disables text-capturing with hotkey. Text-capturing with hotkey is set to disable by default.

BOOL EnableHotkeyCapture(
  BOOL bEnable,      // enable or disable text-capturing with hotkey
  LONG fsModifiers,  // key-modifier options
  LONG vk,           // virtual-key code


[in] Specifies whether to enable or disable text-capturing with hotkey. If this parameter is TRUE, the text-capturing with hotkey is enabled. If the parameter is FALSE, text-capturing with hotkey is disabled.
[in] Specifies keys that must be pressed in combination with the key specified by the vk parameter in order to generate the WM_HOTKEY message. The fsModifiers parameter can be a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
MOD_ALT Either ALT key must be held down.
MOD_CONTROL Either CTRL key must be held down.
MOD_SHIFT Either SHIFT key must be held down.
MOD_WIN Either WINDOWS key was held down. These keys are labeled with the Microsoft Windows logo.
[in] Specifies the virtual-key code of the hot key.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


When a key is pressed, the system looks for a match against all hot keys. Upon finding a match, the system posts the WM_HOTKEY message to the message queue of the thread that registered the hot key. This message is disposed by GetWord component automatically. You need not to care about this.

This function cannot associate a hot key with a window created by another thread.

EnableHotkeyCapture fails if the keystrokes specified for the hot key have already been registered by another hot key.

Windows NT4 and Windows 2000/XP: The F12 key is reserved for use by the debugger at all times, so it should not be registered as a hot key. Even when you are not debugging an application, F12 is reserved in case a kernel-mode debugger or a just-in-time debugger is resident.


The GetString gets the string at a given point.

BOOL GetString(
  LONG  x,          // the x position of the point which you want to capture text from
  LONG  y,          // the y position of the point which you want to capture text from
  BSTR* pstr,       // the captured string
  LONG* pos         // zero-based point(x,y) position in the captured string   


[in] Specifies the x position of the point which you want to capture text from.
[in] Specifies the y position of the point which you want to capture text from.
[out] Pointer to a BSTR string that receives the captured string.
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the point (x,y) position in the captured string. If the point (x,y) is on the first character of the captured string, pos is 0. If the point (x,y) is on the second character of the captured string, pos is 1, etc. If the point (x,y) is not in the captured string, pos is -1.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreeString should be called after successfully getting the captured string. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreeString needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string.


The GetRectString gets all the strings in a specified rectangle.

BOOL GetRectString(
  LONG  hWnd,       // the window handle to capture
  LONG  left,       // x-coordinate of upper-left corner
  LONG  top,        // y-coordinate of upper-left corner
  LONG  right,      // x-coordinate of lower-right corner
  LONG  bottom,     // y-coordinate of lower-right corner
  BSTR* pstr,       // the captured string


[in] Specifies the window handle to capture. If hWnd is NULL, all the windows in the specified rectangle will be used.
[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of upper-left corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates.
[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of upper-left corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of lower-right corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of lower-right corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[out] Pointer to a BSTR string that receives the captured string.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreeString should be called after successfully getting the captured string. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreeString needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string.


The GetHighlightText gets the selected (highlighted) text in a given window.

BOOL GetHighlightText(
  LONG  hWnd,       // the window handle to capture
  BSTR* pstr,       // the captured string


[in] Specifies the window handle to capture. This parameter must be a valid handle, it can not be NULL.
[out] Pointer to a BSTR string that receives the captured string.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreeString should be called after successfully getting the captured string. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreeString needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string.


The FreeString deallocates a string allocated previously by GetString or GetRectString.

BOOL FreeString(
  BSTR* pstr     // Pointer to a BSTR string


[in, out] Pointer to a BSTR string that should be deallocated. After successfully deallocated the string, pstr is set to NULL.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreeString should be called after successfully getting the captured string with GetString, GetRectString, GetHighlightText or GetPairItem. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreeString needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string  with GetString, GetRectString, GetHighlightText or GetPairItem.


The GetRectStringPairs gets all the pairs of (substring, substring's rectangle) in a specified rectangle.

LONG GetRectStringPairs(
  LONG  hWnd,       // the window handle to capture
  LONG  left,       // x-coordinate of upper-left corner
  LONG  top,        // y-coordinate of upper-left corner
  LONG  right,      // x-coordinate of lower-right corner
  LONG  bottom,     // y-coordinate of lower-right corner
  BSTR* pstr,       // the captured string
  BSTR* prectlist,  // the rectangle list


[in] Specifies the window handle to capture. If hWnd is NULL, all the windows in the specified rectangle will be used.
[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of upper-left corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of upper-left corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[in] Specifies the x-coordinate of lower-right corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[in] Specifies the y-coordinate of lower-right corner of the capturing rectangle in the client coordinates
[out] Pointer to a BSTR string that receives the captured string.
[out] Pointer to a list. Each element in the list is a structure which contains six parts: (s_len, s_cursorpos, s_left, s_top, s_right, s_bottom ). s_len and s_cursorpos is a BYTE respectively. s_left, s_top, s_right and s_bottom is a WCHAR(short). Here s_len is the character count of the substring, s_cursorpos is the cursor position in the substring, and (s_left, s_top, s_right, s_bottom ) is the bounding rectangle of the substring in the screen coordinates.

Return Values

The return value is the total substrings' count in the specified rectangle (left, top, right, bottom).


The following steps indicate how to use this function:

1. Let LONG N=GetRectStringPairs (hWnd, left, top, right, bottom, pstr, prectlist). So we get the total substrings' count N.

2. Loop N times. Each time use GetPairItem to decode each substring.

Each item in prectlist is a six-parts element  (s_len, s_cursorpos, s_left, s_top, s_right, s_bottom ), it has the following structure. (NOTE: The structure maybe changes in the future, your application SHOULD NOT decode this structure directly. Please use GetPairItem to decode this structure instead.)

In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreePairs should be called after successfully getting the captured string. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreePairs needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string.


The GetPairItem extracts a substring (substring, substring's rectangle) from the result retrieved by GetRectStringPairs.

LONG GetPairItem(
  LONG  strCount,        // the total substring count
  BSTR* pbstr,           // the captured string
  BSTR* prectlist,       // the rectangle list
  LONG  index,           // the zero-based index of the substring
  BSTR* substr,          // the literal of the substring
  LONG* substrCursorPos, // the cursor position in the substring
  LONG* substrLeft,      // x-coordinate of upper-left corner of the substring
  LONG* substrTop,       // y-coordinate of upper-left corner of the substring
  LONG* substrRight,     // x-coordinate of lower-right corner of the substring
  LONG* substrBottom     // y-coordinate of lower-right corner of the substring


[in] Specifies the total substring count. It is the return value of GetRectStringPairs.
[in] Pointer to a BSTR string that carries the captured string.  It is the pbstr parameter got by GetRectStringPairs.
[in] Pointer to a list. It is the prectlist parameter got by GetRectStringPairs.
[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the substring. It is a value in the range of [0, strCount-1].
[out] Pointer to a BSTR string that receives the literal of the substring
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the cursor position (zero-based) in the substring. If the cursor is not in the substring, substrCursorPos is -1.
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the x-coordinate of upper-left corner of the substring in screen coordinates.
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the y-coordinate of upper-left corner of the substring in screen coordinates.
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the x-coordinate of lower-right corner of the substring in screen coordinates.
[out] Pointer to a LONG variable that receives the y-coordinate of lower-right corner of the substring in screen coordinates.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreeString should be called after successfully getting the captured string. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreeString needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string.


The FreePairs deallocates a string allocated previously by GetRectStringPairs.

BOOL FreePairs(
  BSTR* pstr     	// Pointer to a BSTR string
  BSTR* prectlist     	// Pointer to a BSTR string


[in, out] Pointer to a BSTR string that should be deallocated. After successfully deallocated the string, pstr is set to NULL.
[in, out] Pointer to a BSTR string that should be deallocated. After successfully deallocated the string, prectlist is set to NULL.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.


In developments which don't deallocate string automatically, such as Visual C++, FreePairs should be called after successfully getting the captured string with GetRectStringPairs. In developments which deallocate string automatically, such as Visual Basic, FreePairs needs not to be called after successfully getting the captured string  with GetRectStringPairs.


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